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Strategies to Teaching Reading to Omani Learners
21 Dec, 2021 Salah Al-Hanshi

Learning English for non-English-speaking learners can be quite challenging, especially if it is a paramount requirement. However, with the right strategy, teaching English reading to Oman learners of English can be fun and easy.


The right strategy to teach reading to Oman learners of English should embrace six critical steps.

1. The first step is to keep it simple and fun.

This step requires the use of picture books that match basic objects to their proper English names (Lessing & De Witt, 2002). Reading picture books is a fun way to engage learners and keep them entertained.

2. The second step is to always check for understanding.

In this step, every English word or phrase should be matched with its vernacular translation to ensure learners understand each word or phrase in both languages (Smith, 2009).

3. The third language should be repeating this procedure.

Here the instructor should ensure that the learners read the given words or phrases repeatedly until they understand what the word means without cross-referencing its vernacular interpretation.

4. The next step should be using the learners’ favorite books, such as storybooks, novels, or religious scripts, translated into English.

By using materials learners identify with and enjoy reading, the instructor will keep the class engaging and enjoyable.

5. The instructor should show the learners random objects from their favorite books and surroundings and instruct them to look up their English names (Lessing & De Witt, 2002).

This way, the learners will develop a positive reading culture that matches their vernacular understanding of names and phrases to their corresponding English names.

6. The instructor should encourage learners to identify at least five new English vocabularies from their daily readings for further discussion (Smith, 2009).

By encouraging the learners to look for new words, they will be hooked to reading English materials.



Lessing, A. C., & De Witt, M. W. (2002). Teaching reading in an OBE framework. Journal for Language Teaching= Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi= Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig36(3_4), 273-288.

Smith, M. (2009). Learning how to teach reading: A tale of two beginners and the factors that contributed to their vastly different teaching perspectives. Reading Improvement46(4), 247-263.